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MICRONAUT-AM (Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG.) is a BMD solution based on the EUCAST protocol and interpreted according to EUCAST criteria, whereas Sensititre™ YeastOne™ (Thermo Fisher Scientific) follows the CLSI protocol and interpretations, making it difficult to compare the results of both products. To overcome the differences between EUCAST and CLSI, a comparative evaluation of the MICRONAUT-AM test system using antifungal resistance genes was performed at CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland. The results, findings, and conclusions of the study will be presented in this webinar by Dr. Alix Coste, Ph.D., Clinical Microbiologist, an expert in mycology

Reliable Antifungal Susceptibility Testing with MICRONAUT AM according EUCAST Standards

Reliable Antifungal Susceptibility Testing with MICRONAUT AM according EUCAST Standards

29 September 2022 at 1:00:00 pm


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