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Data Independent Analysis (DIA) – based approaches have initially been designed to address the missing value problem in discovery proteomics experiments. Despite real benefits in terms of analysis depth and quantitative coverage, their adoption has been slowed down by the need to create a spectral library ahead of the main analysis and by the global data processing complexity. While dia-PASEF® further increases the sensitivity, selectivity, and acquisition throughput of traditional DIA approaches, new processing pipelines, allowing to successfully perform spectral-library free analyses have emerged. Among those pipelines, which are increasing the accessibility and applicability of DIA approaches, DIA-NN seems to be one of the most promising. In this event, we are presenting TIMS DIA-NN, the first vendor-integrated version of DIA-NN, operating on Bruker’s real-tims PaSER platform. We will illustrate how real-time dia-PASEF® data analysis with TIMS DIA-NN allows to further increase the qualitative and quantitative outcome of dia-PASEF® experiments, as well as their throughput, and why they are to become Bruker’s preferred approach for high-performance discovery proteomics.

4D-Proteomics™ unleashed: Real-time dia-PASEF® data processing with TIMS DIA-NN

4D-Proteomics™ unleashed: Real-time dia-PASEF® data processing with TIMS DIA-NN

18 May 2022 at 8:00:00 am


4D-Proteomics™ unleashed
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