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Join us on this live lab tour to learn how Sapient’s next-generation, ultra-high throughput rapid liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (rLC-MS) platform leverages the unique bioanalytical capabilities of the Bruker timsTOF Pro 2 to enable large-scale biomarker profiling. See how the systems perform nontargeted measurement of >11,000 circulating small molecule biomarkers per biosample across thousands of samples at a time.

Discover how these instruments offer:

  • Sensitivity to capture broad chemistries, including thousands of uncharacterized novel factors

  • Comprehensive 4D chemical classification within a cycle time of <1 minute

The Sapient team will also show you how these technologies are embedded within a larger integrated discovery pipeline that allows for rapid identification and cross-validation of new biomarkers across broad, diverse populations.

How timsTOF is helping to transform the speed and scale of small molecule biomarker discovery

How timsTOF is helping to transform the speed and scale of small molecule biomarker discovery

13 October 2022 at 5:00:00 pm


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